Talk about a loaded question for my first blog! Oof!
When I first started my career in marketing, I was determined to be the best at whatever I did. Winning awards, getting promoted, making more money were the goal and the means to accomplishing this was working upwards of 70 hours a week.
I did this for almost 20 years; 10 of which I was a mom to the best human there ever was or will daughter Kenzie. Many days I left for work before she was up and arrived back home after she was in bed...but hey it was worth it, because I was achieving my goals. Right?
The struggle is real, beyond real. Just because I was a mom, did that mean I had to give up my corporate dreams and aspirations? Every night as I laid in bed staring at the ceiling I would struggle with extreme feelings of guilt and failing as a mom. My daughter knew her nanny better than me. Heartbreaking.
Fast forward several years, my father passed away at the young age of 65, leaving behind me and my 13-year-old sister. Yes 13! She was the love of his life, the apple of his eye and his proudest achievement. In thinking about this, I realized that Kenzie was mine.
It quickly became apparent that life is short, tomorrow isn't promised, and family is #1. With this realization came the hardest decision of my life. I quit the job I loved, at the company I loved, working with people I loved...with only one plan - be a better mom!
I was fortunate to still be able to contribute to our family's wellbeing through my inheritance, but this was not a long-term, sustainable solution.
My now, 11 year-old daughter eats, sleeps and breathes cheer and she's not slowing down anytime soon. She just started her fourth year of All-Star Cheer and is on three teams: U16-L3 Summit,
Would I be able to support her dream of representing Canada on the world stage, while working my corporate gig? Full-stop - No!
Canadian Cheer Mom Inc. is a marriage of living my best life on my own terms and being able to support and spend as much time with my daughter as I can.
Are there days I fall back into old habits and question my decision? Yes. But then I shake my head, refocus and get my $hit together.
Starting my own business is scary, but nothing ever worth doing is easy.
So, thank you for supporting this mama and her small business and the big dreams of a little cheerleader.
AKA: Canadian Cheer Mom