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It's launch day!

It's launch day!

I cannot believe it! Today is the day that goes live.  

This whole process was new to me. I had no idea how to get a real business off the ground, but roughly 9 months we are.  Sure, I am a 25-year seasoned marketer, but manufacturing custom products, building websites from scratch, doing photoshoots, setting up inventory and shipping systems, figuring out how to collect payment - whoa! The list could go on forever and it overwhelms me sitting here.

So what did I learn in this process that I think would be beneficial to share with others? You know that saying "You can't teach an old dog new tricks"? It's bull$hit!  I'm an old dog and man-oh-man did I learn a lot of new tricks. So what's the lesson here? I think it's about not being confined to the box that you likely put yourself in. What once was true, may not be anymore. So, take the leap. Give "it" a try...whatever your "it" is.  

What's the worst that can happen? Well, in Cheer usually the worst thing is falling. And what do we tell our athletes when that happens? Get back up, shake it off and try again.

Same goes for us in the sport of life. And by the way, why is life like a constant full-out? Every now and then, it would be great to get a water break.

Dream big, give "it" a try and learn new tricks.



AKA: Canadian Cheer Mom

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